The mission of the Yachats Academy of Arts & Sciences is to provide educational and entertainment opportunities for people on the central Oregon coast. Sponsored by Polly Plumb Productions, we encourage the residents of the village of Yachats, Oregon to work with Academy board members to organize those events that they judge to be most enjoyable.

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Juliana v U.S.

Juliana v U.S.

Sunday June 9, 2pm

    “Of all the cases working their way through the federal court system, none is more interesting or potentially more life-changing than Juliana v. United States.”

   — Steve Kroft, 60 Minutes Correspondent, introducing the 60 Minutes story on this extraordinary lawsuit (watch it here).

    Coreal Riday-White, Esq is Community Manager for Our Children’s Trust where he heads the federal trial mobilization efforts and is the point person for individual and organizational partnerships. He will be updating us on the ground-breaking, youth-led constitutional case, Juliana v United States, in which 21 youth plaintiffs are suing the federal government. 

Coreal’s lecture is Sunday, June 9th, but earlier that week, on June 4th, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in Portland, Oregon, and those hearings will be streamed live for public viewing. Julia Olson, co-lead counsel in the case, will be representing the plaintiffs. For details about how to watch the live-stream, visit the Our Children's Trust site. Their podcast, “No ordinary Lawsuit,” is also fascinating.