The mission of the Yachats Academy of Arts & Sciences is to provide educational and entertainment opportunities for people on the central Oregon coast. Sponsored by Polly Plumb Productions, we encourage the residents of the village of Yachats, Oregon to work with Academy board members to organize those events that they judge to be most enjoyable.

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Emotions and Movement

Emotions and Movement

Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, PhD

2pm Sunday, September 22, 2024

Let's explore and appreciate the inherent qualitative dynamic interrelationship of emotion and movement. Like many other forms of animate life, when we are rushed, hesitant, excited or disturbed certain tensions and pressures move through our bodies and move us to move. This kinesthetic experience is visible to others. Recognizing this interrelationship, we realize that movement is not simply a physical change of position. And emotion is not simply a mental phenomenon.