The mission of the Yachats Academy of Arts & Sciences is to provide educational and entertainment opportunities for people on the central Oregon coast. Sponsored by Polly Plumb Productions, we encourage the residents of the village of Yachats, Oregon to work with Academy board members to organize those events that they judge to be most enjoyable.

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Beauty from the Beast: Plate Techtonics and the Landscapes of the Pacific Northwest

Beauty from the Beast: Plate Techtonics and the Landscapes of the Pacific Northwest

Dr Robert Lillie

Sunday January 21, 2018, 2pm

Listen to Marc Courtenay’s live interview with Dr. Robert Lillie on Thursday morning, January 18th, at 8:30 (am) on Boss Radio, 100.7 FM, or streaming live at the this link. Or this interview can also be heard after Thursday’s (January 18th) broadcast at Boss FM Radio's "archives" page found at this link.

Dr Lillie' Academy lecture will describe the processes by which the same geological forces that threaten our lives with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions also nourish our spirits by forming spectacular fountains, valleys and coastlines.